Wedding wishes board, Medan, Indonesia.
While I was in Medan, my friend's cousin invited us to his friend's daughter wedding before he brought us around town. Mind my casual attire, wasn't expect to attend any wedding during packing. I usually dress properly for wedding :D
Along the way towards the wedding hall, both sides of the road displayed wedding wishes boards alike in various designs and colours. The fonts and embellishments were made from plastic flowers. It's a common scene in Indonesia, particularly in Medan (perhaps) to have those beautifully designed board to well wish the bride and groom.
wah..menariknyer bunganyer...byya..faiz slalu jerk pakai jeans g wedding...
sepanjang jalan tu penuh board yg warna warni tu faiez. rase, org yg plg selekeh skali time tu cz diorang nye wedding meriah. Yelah, indon kt famous ngan lace n kebaya hehe...Semua cun2!
makanan time kenduri camne? lebih kurang mcm kat cni ke?
makanan diorang bukan nasi minyak tapi nasi lauk biasa. Tapi makan xde meja, ade kerusi je huhu...
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