It has been weeks since I last log in to Blogger, so I missed updating this little space of mine and reading your updates out there. I also missed my #TTOT session on Twitter :(
Honestly, it is not my intention at all but i'm super extremely busy these days. Working for two companies at the same time isn't easy I tell you, and it is not that i'm working part time or what. I tendered my resignation letter with my current company and in between my notice period, I got to work with my new company as and when necessary. I have to finish remaining projects I handle with my current company and at the same time starting new projects, not a project ok, projects (it's plural) with this new company. Sometimes, I have trouble switching my mind to one another as these two companies are having different nature of business. Situation now is too demanding and stressful until I eventually had to succumb drinking coffee after I stopped FEW YEARS ago. I feel guilty for having to rely on caffeine. So, please forgive me for not updating ok.
Oh, before I forgot, Salam Ramadhan to all muslims out there. It's 2nd day already and I hope everyone is doing good with the fasting and terawih and others. May this Ramadhan be better than the previous one.
So, on random updates, I was in newspaper!
Remember my entry on Delicious? When I attended Delicious Appreciation Dinner with Dian?
That's when this picture was taken.
Read the story here
Any of you hear Reza Salleh?
Well, if you haven't, please listen to him now.
I'm offically his instant fan after I first heard him in Urbanscape.
He sounds like John Mayer of Malaysia, seriously!
I usually don't ask for picture from artist/singer ok but I can't resist this faboulous man. I just love his songs.
And last Saturday night, I can't believe I got to meet and hear him sing again, in an INTIMATE, LIVE, ACOUSTIC performance! He and Liyana Fizi were performing for charity at Stellar Studio, Soho Empire Subang. I'll write more on this in another entry later ok :)
Despite having a very busy schedule, I'm grateful I still got to enjoy life and function normally. Thanks to friends around me who want to listen to all my complaints/whining/crap talking and help me to vent the pressure that's building inside. Now, I feel like travelling. I have mapped my RTW trip :D
p/s: i'm looking for those interested to take PADI open water diving course with me. I need around 5 people in a group. The trainer is available anytime, so we can time ourselves. It could be in Malaysia or anywhere u want. But since it's almost near to monsoon season after Aidilfitri, I probably doing it in January in Koh Lanta or Phuket. Any taker?
huiyo masuk newspaper kah? btw kos water diving tu brape n brape lame?
wah..dh masuk paper... nak signnnn... haha..
rindu u n rara..
kmslam rara k :))
Hey beb tell me more about the water diving course kind a interested. Send the details to my email
I teringin sesgt but scared of open water or easily put SEA!!!! My trav buddy si andrea or wahidah tuh diver but stop for few yrs dah, nnt i tanya dia.
Oh dear did not realize that you were in the paper! Sangat bangga :D
I nak diving jugak, let's go.
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